Hi, I'm Yvette

I help people who are struggling in life with depression and anxiety. My own lived experience enables me to have true compassion for where people are at, rather than offering textbook responses and suggestions.

As a trained energy healer, I am able to tap into and access the healing properties available to us. It is my pleasure to share this with you through my own prescription of surviving to thriving. 

During my more than three decades of experience working with flowers and experience with mental illness I witnessed first hand the ongoing positive effects of flower energy, such as a decrease in feelings of anxiety and depression 

I am passionate about many causes, yet possibly the highest on the list is the need for greater opportunity to connect with nature and our creativity so we can generate positive effects on our mental and emotional health.

This is the reason I created Bloom College and offer my healing sessions, accessing the energetic healing properties of flowers.  

Book Your 1:1 Session With Yvette Now

It was in my teenage years that I began judging and criticising myself.

This, along with other reasons, lead me to feeling stressed, anxious and eventually depressed. I was told to get a hobby by many professionals and well-intentioned friends, but it wasn't a lack of creative outlet that was blocking my flow of positive energy, it was so much more.  

Before learning to arrange flowers, I intuitively knew they made me feel better. But I knew nothing about their true power. After years of learning how to be a florist, I still hadn't learnt what I know today, and that is the immense power that they hold. 

For many years I had professional help which I needed, but still I hadn't realised that, through the modality of energy healing, we have the ability to reach otherwise blocked areas within ourselves.  I couldn't understand why, after so much time and money spent with traditional counselors and psychologists, I was still struggling to get past some things. Instead of controlling my emotions, my emotions completely controlled me. The more I tried, the worse I felt. Finally, I took a course in both Reiki and Energy Healing and learnt how to heal myself and others with the inclusion of flowers. Everything changed after that. 

I now have my go-to for healing. 

 My life has changed dramatically, my confidence has increased. But more than that, I am better able to stay present in the moment and my anxiety levels are significantly reduced with zero depression. 

What's included in a flower therapy session..

Yvette is a flower therapist, and no, flowers don’t need the therapy we humans do. Flowers provide immense benefits to us via their positive energy fields and are one of nature's best healers.

Yvette utilises the healing properties of flower energy to help facilitate one’s own growth in their mental, physical and emotional state.

During your 60minute online session with Yvette, you will be guided by her to find the source of your discomfort, whether that be presented as physical, mental or emotional.

Yvette can access just the right flower frequencies to facilitate the required energetic shifts. Like all healing modalities, some 'homework' may be suggested by Yvette in order for you to continue to lock in the changes. Yvette will share any recommended resources with you. 

$197 per session

10 week session bookings receive a copy of Yvette's book and access to her online course - Feed Your Soul with Flowers.

Secure Your Session Time Now

"Yvette completed my sessions via distance and what Yvette was able to intuitively connect into was amazing. 

Yvette provided simple suggestions to enhance and keep the healing going after my session which I could easily incorporate into my daily routine. 

Yvette has such a calming nature which adds to the healing. Thank you Yvette for your insight, knowledge sharing and your ability to not only warm my heart but ground and energise me."

Alex Millroy

1, 5 or 10 Session Packages Available

To help you access the root cause of deep ongoing pain, you may benefit from a series of sessions. Yvette has packaged her sessions into 5 or 10 week options, enabling you to access more insight and enact lasting changes within your life as Yvette guides you through her proven process in order to live the full expression of your being…​

  • Uncover A Block

    Single Session

    Single sessions are a great introduction to Yvette's modality of healing. You will work in 1 area of concern and leave the session with tools and guidance on how to move forward. People have experienced significant shifts and changes through a single session. 

  • Create Lasting Change

    5 Weekly Sessions

    5 sessions are perfect if you are aware you have an area of concern that requires more than one session. Over the 5 sessions, Yvette will work with you intuitively to uncover blocks that may prohibit you from moving forward in life. Yvette will  utilise the most relevant of her 10 principles for your specific needs.

  • Live Your Full Potential

    10 Weekly Sessions

    Book a 10-week block to enable you to deeply learn all 10 of Yvette's principles of healing.  Over the 10 sessions, Yvette will guide you from your current emotional level to living life at your full potential. You will also be given full access to Yvette's online course Feed Your Soul with Flowers and you will receive a hard copy of her book.